course access
Course Discussion
01 - Introduction
1.01 - why git ?
1.02 - how git works?
1.03 - why source control?
1.04 - basics of command prompt window
02 - Git Setup
2.01 - Git installation on mac and windows
2.02 - Creating an account on bitbucket
2.03 - Creating an account on Github
2.04 - Installing code editor vs code
03 - Basics of Git
3.01 - initialising git in a project
How you should Proceed?
3.02 - Analising .git folder
3.03 - Pushing our first commit
3.04 - Cloning a Repository
3.05 - Tracking files
3.06 - Reverting your file changes
3.07 - Renaming a file
3.08 - Move and Delete files
3.09 - checking history
3.10 - creating an alias
3.11 - Ignoring files, folders and extensions
04 - Doing Comparisons
4.01 - Comparing working directory and staging area
4.02 - Comparing working directory and remote repo
4.03 - comparing staging area with remotte repo
4.04 - comparing changes in a file
4.05 - comparing commits
4.06 - remote master vs origin master
05 - first strategy to do team work
5.01 - how branch strategy works
5.02 - basics of branch
5.03 - Reflecting branch changes
5.04 - fast forward merges
5.05 - no fast forward merges
5.06 - pull request strategy
06- Rebase
6.01 - rebase vs merge
6.02 - using rebase commands
6.03 - solving merge conflicts
07 - Stashing
7.01 - basics of stashing
7.02 - stash untrack files and pop
7.03 - more stash commands
7.04 - stash into a branch
7.05 - reset to head or a commit
08 - Tagging
8.01 - basics of tags
8.02 - basics of annotate tags
8.03 - compare tags and tag a commit
8.04 - updating a tag
09 - Second strategy to do team work
9.01 - fork a repository
9.02 - working with fork repository
9.03 - adding a team member
9.04 - wrap up
git ppt
Preview - Git
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