course access
Course Discussion
01 - Introduction
1.01 - Course outline
1.02 - what is javascript and how is it executed
1.03 - how javascript is executed
1.04 - future of javascript
1.05 - Disadvantages of javascript
1.06 - framework vs language vs library
1.07 - type of cases in programming
1.08 - javascript running environment
02 - Command line and setup
2.01 - basics of command prompt window
How you should Proceed?
2.02 - project setup and installation
03 - Time for the basics
3.01 - different data types
3.02 - assigning variables
3.03 - dynamically interpreted vs weekly typed programming languages
3.04 - basics of number data type
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3.05 - basics of boolean data type
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3.06 - basics of array data type
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3.07 - basics of string data type
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3.08 - basics of object data type
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3.09 - spread operator
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3.10 - method of string data type
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3.11- method of an array data type
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3.12 - primitive vs reference data type
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04 - Data type Assignment
4.01 - Data type Assignment
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4.02 - data type assignment solution
05 - Statement and loops
5.01 - if , else, elif statement
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5.02 - For loop
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5.03 - While loop
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5.04 - break and continue
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5.05 - switch case statement
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Your Review and Feedback
06 - Statement and loop assignment
6.01 - Statement and loops Assignment
6.02 - statement assignment
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07 - Functions
7.01 - how to read a method
7.02 - Basics of function
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7.03 - Map, filter and arrow functions
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7.04 - nested functions
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08 - Function Assignment
8.01 - Function Assignment
8.02 - function assignment
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09 - Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)
9.01 - basics of classes
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9.02 - methods of a class
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9.03 - static vs non static
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9.04 - Polymorphism
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9.05 - inheritance
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10 - OOPS Assignment
10.01 - OOPS Assignment
10.02 - oops assignment solution
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11 - Few more concepts
11.01 - call bind this and apply
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11.02 - higher order functions
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11.03 - ternary operators
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11.04 - parse and stringfy
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11.05 - function inside object and array
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11.06 - getter , setter and define property
12 - Using Third Party Libraries
12.01 - installing package.json
12.02 - using multiple files
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12.03 - using third party libraries
12.04 - Using Momentjs for data N time
13 - Promises
13.01 - using promises
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13.02 - async await try catch
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14 - Using Js in Browser
14.01 - running in a browser
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14.02 - local storage vs session storage vs cookies
14.03 - Using browser storage
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14.04 - Dom manipulation
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15 - Typescript
15.01 - what is typescript why to use it
15.02 - installing ts and project setup
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15.03 - running typescript in a browser
15.04 - using typings
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15.05 - enums and interface
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15.06 - private vs public vs protected
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15.07 - encapsulation and abstraction
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16 - Connecting with server
16.01 - ajax vs axios
16.02 - what is an api
16.03 - types of request in a server
16.04 - http status codes
16.05 - using postman to call api
16.06 - using axios to call request from server
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16.07 - best practise to use axios like a pro
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17 - Design Patterns
17.01 - what is design patterns and why to use them
17.02 - SRP and DIP
17.03 - constructor and proptotype design pattern
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17.04 - module pattern
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17.05 - singleton pattern
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17.06 - factory pattern
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17.07 - facade pattern
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18 - More about Events
18.01 - Pure vs Impure functions
18.02 - Recursive Function
18.03 - Advance Recursive Function
18.04 - Currying Function
19 - Events and debugging in Javascript
19.01 - listening an event
19.02 - more about events
19.03 - supported events
19.04 - Using prevent default with forms
19.05 - Bubbling and capturing a event
19.06 - event handler with this and function
19.07 - Debugging js using breakpoints
20 - Meta Programming
20.01 - using a symbol
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20.02 - iterators
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20.03 - generators
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20.04 - reflect api
20.05 - proxy api
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21 - Security & Performance
21.01 - code is open for all
21.02 - security in js
21.03 - performance optimization in javascript
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Preview - Javascript + Typescript
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