Course Discussion
01 - Introduction
1.01 - course outline
1.02 - what is angular
1.03 - versions of angular
02 - installation & setup
2.01 - installation & project setup
2.02 - running our first web app
2.03 - understanding folder structure
Source Code
how to get source code
Source Code Link
03 - time for the basics
3.01 - how angular works
3.02 - Understanding a component
3.03 - refactoring component
3.04 - Components vs containers
3.05 - Creating a new component
3.06 - understanding app module & Component Declaration
3.07 - creating a component with cli
3.08 - using selector as attribute
3.09 - opening localhost on mobile
04 - Data Binding
4.01 - what is data binding
How you should Proceed?
4.02 - string interpolation
4.03 - property binding
4.04 - string interpolation vs property binding
4.05 - event binding
4.06 - passing data in event
4.07 - two way data binding
05 - Output & Input decorators
5.01 - intro to input & output
5.02 - input & output
06 - Material UI & Flex Layout
6.01 - installing angular material
6.02 - angular material button
6.03 - using material toolbar
6.04 - using mat input
6.05 - using mat card
6.06 - using material module
6.07 - intro to flex layout
link of flex demo
6.08 - updating angular version
6.09 - installing flex layout
6.10 - understanding flex
07 - Creating Login Page
7.01 - using custom theme
7.02 - creating a login form
7.03 - understanding form group & controller
7.04 - proper validation of form
08 - Observables
8.01 - what is an observable
8.02 - using map and filter
8.03 - switch map operators
8.04 - what is behavioural subject
8.05 - combine latest
8.06 - debounce time & dinstinct until changed
8.07 - wrap up
doc link
09 - Setup for backend
9.01 - Complete road map of setup
9.02 - complete setup for backend
link for backend
10 - Understanding Network Request
10.01 - what is an api?
10.02 - types of request in a server
10.03 - http status codes
10.04 - using postman
11 - Using network request
11.01 - understanding http client module
11.02 - refactoring http client code
11.03 - using material snackbar
11.04 - proper error handling
11.05 - using signup request
11.06 - using login request
All Api's of our project
12 - Understanding interface
12.01 - what is the use of interface
12.02 - using an interface
13 - understanding routing
13.01 - creating our routes
13.02 - completing signup page
13.03 - forgot password part 1
13.04 - forgot password part 2
13.05 - forgot password part 3
13.06 - wrap up
14 - auth flow & jwt authentication
14.01 - how authentication works
14.02 - jwt token
15 - more about routing
15.01 - local vs session vs cookies storage
15.02 - using auth token
15.03 - understanding can activate
15.04 - creating anon guard
15.05 - user verification page
15.06 - making verification page responsive
15.07 - fetch user profile
15.08 - solving circular dependency problem
16 - completing website flow
16.01 - understanding website flow
16.02 - creating routing flow
16.03 - completing route flow
16.04 - fixing route problem
16.05 - better routing approach
17 - angular lifecycle hooks
17.01 - angular lifecycle methods
17.02 - ngcontent & ngcontainer
17.03 - using lifecycle hook methods
18 - debugging
18.01 - augury & breakpoints
19 - onboarding user first step
19.01 - onboarding intro page
19.02 - understanding ng template
19.03 - creating onboarding stepper
19.04 - creating first step UI
19.05 - making it responsive
19.06 - logic for completed step
19.07 - presume onboarding later
19.08 - wrap up
20 - onboarding user second step
20.01 - creating tab view
20.02 - understanding dom manipulation in angular
20.03 - using dom manipulation
20.04 - understanding upload image UI
20.05 - upload image UI
20.06 - upload image logic
20.07 - upload image logic - part 2
20.08 - delete image
20.09 - upload video UI
20.10 - import video
20.11 - wrap up
21 - creating resume form
21.01 - creating collapsible view
21.02 - refactoring our project structure
21.03 - making onboarding responsive
21.04 - finalising code structure
21.05 - creating contact detail card
21.06 - more about dependency injection
21.07 - using dialog component
21.08 - creating contact detail form
21.09 - showing info inside contact card
21.10 - creating education form
21.11 - understanding ng for
21.12 - creating education cards view
21.13 - refactoring card code
21.14 - delete and update education
21.15 - assignment
21.16 - complete form solution
21.17 - making form responsive
21.18 - using truncate pipe
21.19 - problem with our code
22 - ngrx
22.01 - what is ngrx and why ngrx?
22.02 - basic setup for ngrx
22.03 - how redux works
22.04 - using our first reducer and state
22.05 - refactoring our reducer
22.06 - proper error handling
22.07 - debugging our store
22.08 - crud operations on ngrx
22.09 - entities and id format
22.10 - view single item of reducer
22.11 - post reducer setup
22.12 - nested add , update delete on post
23 - using ngrx in our project
23.01 - creating user actions & reducer
23.02 - creating index reducer
23.03 - creating user repository
23.04 - using user repository
23.05 - creating resume actions
23.06 - creating resume reducer
23.07 - writing selectors in index reducer
23.08 - creating resume repository
23.09 - using resume repository
23.10 - finish onboarding
24 - starting with our dashboard
24.01 - creating routes for dashboard
24.02 - creating header
24.03 - making header responsive
24.04 - Logout Functionality
24.05 - not found page
24.06 - setting page
24.07 - complete settings page
24.08 - Making setting page responsive
25 - resume list
25.01 - showing resume list
25.02 - add and edit resume
25.03 - delete a resume
25.04 - track progress
26 - download templates
26.01 - user routing for templates
26.02 - templates page
26.03 - refactoring template page
26.04 - creating blues template
26.05 - creating blues template - part 2
26.06 - creating blues template part 3
26.07 - complete template setup
27 - single resume template
27.01 - routing setup
27.02 - fetch data for resume
27.03 - single resume template part 1
27.04 - single resume template part 2
27.05 - single resume template part 3
27.06 - single resume template part 4
27.07 - single resume template part 5
27.08 - Making Resume template Responsive
27.09 - Handling new resume template
27.10 - solving background issue
27.11 - wrap up
28 - few more concepts
28.01 - view encapsulation
28.02 - auxillary routes
28.03 - using custom fonts
28.04 - showing loader on load
29 - Server side Rendering & Deployment
29.01 - creating production build
29.02 - changing browser logo
29.03 - server side rendering
Dynamic Meta Tags
29.04 - pre rendering strategy
29.05 - deploying server side code
30 - Bonus videos
30.01 - intro to youtube upload
30.02 - upload video to youtube from angular 9 part -1 in Hindi
30.03 - upload video to youtube from angular part -2
30.04 - upload video to youtube from angular part -3 in Hindi
30.05 - angular + node web sockets
30.06 - Angular search bar filtering
30.07 - common header and footer
angular lazy loading
service worker and pwa
Best angular Libraries
What to do after this course?
angular Pdf
angular interview preperation
Preview - Angular 10
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